Nippon Kaiji Kyokai, known as Class NK or NK, is a ship classification society.
It is what is known under Japanese law as a public service foundation and in its Act of Endowment, its ultimate goal is expressed as: "to contribute to the development of maritime service for the protection of human life and property at sea". Environmental protection has also become an increasingly major concern.


          Annual Surveys
          Intermediate Surveys
          Special Surveys
          Docking Surveys
          Propeller Shaft Survey

The purpose of an Annual Survey is to confirm that the general condition of the hull is maintained at a satisfactory level. Generally as the ship ages, ballast tanks are required to be subjected to more extensive overall and close-up surveys at Annual Surveys.

The Intermediate Survey may be held at or between the second or third Annual Survey in each five year Special Survey cycle. Those items, which are additional to the requirements of the Annual Surveys, may be surveyed either at or between the 2nd and 3rd Annual Survey. The intermediate survey contains requirements for extended overall and close-up surveys including thickness measurements of cargo and ballast tanks.


The Special Surveys are carried out at five-year intervals for the purpose of establishing the condition of the structure to confirm that the structural integrity is satisfactory in accordance with the Classification Requirements, and will remain fit for its intended purpose for another five-year period, subject to proper maintenance and operation of the ship and to periodical surveys carried out at the due dates.The Special Survey concentrates on close-up surveys in association with thickness measurements and is aimed at detecting fractures, buckling, corrosion and other types of structural deterioration.Thickness measurements are to be carried out upon agreement with the Classification Society concerned in conjunction with the Special Survey.


The objective of docking the ship periodically is to inspect the portion of the hull beneath the water-line which those parts of the hull under the water-line are always immersed in water; therefore, the condition of damage in the event of the ship stranding / grounding/damages cannot be observed.


Connection part with propeller including examination of shaft by efficient crack detection. Propeller shaft except connection part with propeller. Stern tube bearing. Bearing wear down. Shaft bearing clearance. Open-up examination of sealing devices.
Propeller boss bore in way of shaft taper section. Controllable Pitch Propeller (CPP)Water lubrication line. Oil lubrication line including alarms, temperature measuring devices, L.O. pumps. Lubrication oil record book.

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